Image rights waiver

TriFlow Festival OBNL wishes to take photos and videos during this event, intended for communication on its website and social networks.

In order to be in good standing with the regulations on image rights, we ask you to agree with this declaration after having read it (check “I agree” on the ticket page before adding to cart):

“I (the attendee) allow the use of my image, on photographs and video films taken between June 15-18, 2023 at TriFlow Fest (St-Fortunat, QC).

By: Festival TriFlow OBNL and the photographer/videographer.

For use in the form of a website, social medias, press or advertising campaign, or any other form of communication, without any compensation and without time limit.

I have read and understood all the implications of this waiver.

I declare that I am 18 years old or older and have the ability to sign this form in my own name

or have permission from my legal guardian (signature from the legal guardian).”